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  title of the page about the Portuguese water dog, the favourite breed of president Obama  
The Portuguese Water Dog is believed to be the "father" of the Caniche (which contrarily to what most people think does not have a French origin) and also of the "Irish Water Spaniel". The Portuguese Water Dogs are then one of the oldest pure breed dogs in the world.

Portuguese Water Dog existed once all along the Portuguese Atlantic coast, but became later restricted to the Algarve, the southern coast of the country. Thanks to their obedient and loyal behaviour, they helped Portuguese fishermen with fishing for many years: they caught fish, took messages from ship to ship, got items that fell overboard...

By the 1960's, when technology replaced most of the fishermen's tasks, this remarkable dog breed was in danger of extinction. This problem is fortunately solved nowadays, thanks to the American people and other foreign lovers of the Portuguese Water Dog. It is also thanks to the Americans that the Portuguese Water Dog Foundation exists, because in Portugal - though its place of origin - there is not even a decent association for this wonderful pure breed dog!

Portuguese Water Dogs usually have long curly coats, and their colours are mainly black or dark brown. They need a brushing at least three times a week. An important trait about this dog breed is having a coat that does not shed. Because of this characteristic, Portuguese Water Dog are tolerated extremely well among people who suffer from dog allergies as these dogs are a hypoallergenic dog breed.

Portuguese Water Dog is highly intelligent, loyal and sensible. He is great with children and makes an ideal companion for any water sports lover.

To learn more about your puppy's care and education read Barry's tips.

Now, the great news is that the new White House dog Bo is a Portuguese Water dog. It was a gift from Senator Ted Kennedy - who loved this marvelous Portuguese dog breed - to President Obama's family.

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    All Texts and Illustrations © Dulce Rodrigues, 2009. All rights reserved