One day, three children came to the forest close to the town of Myre, where Saint Nicholas had his diocese. They walked during the whole day and at sunset they were lost. But then they saw lights glimmering in the distance. They took that direction and soon found out the lights came from a house.
They knocked at the house door and a man came to open who invited them in. He was a butcher and had such a horrifying look that the poor kids were scared. But as they were also very tired and hungry, they overcame their fear and entered the house.
The man gave them food and something to drink and told them they could sleep there. As soon as the kids fell asleep, he chopped them up and put them in the brine tub as if they were slaughter meat.
Seven years later Saint Nicholas came to that forest where the kids had got lost and went to the butcher's house. When the man opened the door, he recognized the bishop of Myre and showed him in. Saint Nicholas accepted the invitation and came into the house; he asked the butcher something to eat and was offered a piece of meat.
But Saint Nicholas refused and told the butcher he preferred the meat that had been in the brine tub for seven years.
The butcher understood immediately that Saint Nicholas knew about his awful crime and ran away.
Saint Nicholas then approached the brine tub, placed his hands on it and restored the three kids to life. And they came sound and safe from the brine tub! Saint Nicholas had accomplished a miracle!.
The good news widespread quickly, and since that day Saint Nicholas was more venerated than ever before.
Would you like to read a book or performing this story? Then you might like to buy the kids' book FATHER CHRISTMAS HAS THE FLU,
a cute play written by my "boss" that you’ll no doubt love.
Anyway, feel free to read another Christmas legend. |