I am pet dog Barry, and this is my website. A dog with a website? Well, I know it’s unusual but I’m a very special dog.
I love reading, playing, learning about animals, making drawings and colouring books and doing many other fun activities you’ll find right here at my website.
I’m also the main pet hero of the children’s book BARRY'S ADVENTURE.
By writing this story, my dear “boss” (that lady who is always at the computer typing kids stories and updating my website) wanted to give to prosperity my adventurous trip in Spain
when travelling all the way up to Belgium, since… I was born in Portugal.
The love story of my parents, Piloto and Lassie, inspired my “boss” to write a wonderful play called Piloto and Lassie, a pet dog love story of Romeo and Juliet.
There is still no book in English about it, but you may like to read it in other languages, like Portuguese, French or German,
or check other English language children's books.
Oh, I almost forgot to tell you that by a very curious coincidence I have the same birthday date of my two dearest young "bosses" Eduardo and Gustavo. I was born on the day they became 10 years old!
Do you know why Gustavo and Eduardo both have the same age and birthday date? Well, they are... twin brothers! Cute, isn't it?
Please tell your teachers, parents and friends about Barry4kids. The best publicity is the word of mouth.
You may send me a message using the form below. And to receive my newsletter, please check the respective case.
See you again one of these days. Your four-legged friend.
