You for sure know what Christmas means, but it's a good idea to give a reminder about it; there is always something new to learn.
For the Christian world, Christmas is the annual festival held on December 25 that celebrates Christ's birth. And did you know that this Christian festivity has a pagan origin dating back to the ancient Roman times?
So it was! Around this date, the Romans used to make a celebration in honour of their emperor. But for the Christians of those old times, only Jesus should be glorified. And since nobody knew Jesus' birthday, the Christian Church adopted the date of that Roman festival to celebrate Jesus' birth or Nativity.
And the 25th December joined then the Christian calendar in the fourth century when the first Christmas celebration took place in the year 336, according to historians.
In the beginning, Christmas was celebrated with a simple mass - hence the origin of the name in English: Christ's Mass. Early Christians also gave special importance to the celebration of Epiphany (January 6th), when the Magi visited Baby Jesus. In modern times, this latter date is still a major time for celebration in countries like Spain.
With the passing of time, the Christmas celebrations conquered a universal traditional character, and Christmas is today a family event, no matter what our religious faith is. Christmas is a token of joy and gift, of Love and share among people. And Father Christmas (or Santa) is the one who brings us presents.
Would you like to know how Santa (or Father Christmas), the popular white-bearded fellow who rides a sleigh pulled by eight reindeer entered our imagination?
Would you also like to read a few Christmas tales and legends? Then go on... clicking!