A long, long time ago, a spider was having a great time happily hanging from the ceiling in the house of a nice family. She loved watching everything and everyone from above.
It was Christmas' Eve that day and, broom in her hand, the mother was busily cleaning the house. When the spider saw the broom she said to herself:
“Oh, gosh. I’d better run away. Brooms are definitely not my cup of tea!”
And saying so, the spider fled upstairs to the attic to escape the broom.
After the mother had finished cleaning, the whole family got together to decorate the Christmas tree.
When the night came and the house was deeply in silent, the spider slowly crept downstairs and saw the beautiful tree with the glittering colours. She could not resist the temptation and scurried up the trunk, out along each branch.
She was so happy while climbing up that she forgot she was a spider and spiders spread webs.
Alas! By the time she reached the top, the poor Christmas tree was completely shrouded in her dusty grey webs.
The spider was sad and did not know what to do when she heard a noise and saw Santa Claus coming with the gifts for the children. She took courage and asked him humbly for help, so that she could repair what she had done.
Santa Claus saw the tree covered with spider webs and was a little upset. But after reflecting for a while, he smiled.
He knew already how to solve this unfortunate situation while keeping the spider happy and avoiding that the mother sees the tree covered with the dusty webs.
Santa Claus simply turned the web threads into silver and gold! And the tree sparkled and shimmered as never before!
And that's why since that day, people have tinsel on their Christmas trees! And a Christmas spider on its branches for luck!
Would you like to read another legend? Then go back to Christmas tales and read the next!