There once was a poor woodcutter who lived with his family deep in the forest. On Christmas Eve they sat down for dinner when they heard a knock at the door.
There stood a child in torn and ragged clothes, pale and hungry.
The woodcutter invited the child in for food even though they did not have much to share, and gave him a bed to rest.
The woodcutter and his family prayed to God, thanking him for a warm and safe place to live.
In the early morning they awoke to the most beautiful singing they had ever heard. They went to the window and saw the orphaned child standing with a choir of angels singing a lovely Christmas carol.
The child was no longer wearing the tattered clothing but dressed in a magnificent robe surrounded by a glowing light.
When the child saw the woodcutter and his family he said:
"I am the Christ Child, I have received your kindness and now this is my gift to you."
He then broke a branch from a small fir tree and planted it, while telling them:
"From this day forward, this tree shall bear fruit at Christmas and you shall have plenty even in the cold winter."
As they stood listening, the branch grew into a beautiful tree covered with golden apples and silver nuts. And this lovely tale is ever since told to German children about the origin of their beautiful Christmas tree.
Let it now be told also to other children from around the world.
Although we all know that this is not a real story, we may gather from it that when helping a child in distress, our deeds will count as if they were done to Jesus himself. As the Bible so beautifully teaches us:
"Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these my brethen, ye have done it unto me."
Did you like this legend? Then go back to Christmas tales and read another one!