There once was a poor family with very little food or wood to keep them warm.
Christmas would soon be there, and though the weather were so much cold the mother decided to go into the woods and gather pinecones to sell for food and some to make a fire to keep them warm.
When she picked up her first cone she heard a voice say:
"Why are you taking my pinecones?"
It was an elf, and the woman explained him the whole sad story. With a smile the elf told her:
"Well, then go to the next forest and there you will find much better pinecones."
Off she went and when she had reached the forest she was very tired. She sit under a pine tree and sat her basket by her, and pinecones began falling to the ground.
She gathered them up and returned home.
Once there, when she sat the basket down, every pinecone had turned into silver.
And since that day, the woman and her family never suffered from hunger or cold again.
So, always keep a pinecone on your hearth for legend has it, a pinecone will bring good fortune your way.
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