Riddles are fun and help improve reasoning skills. Look at a few Christmas riddles while learning the English language.
Print out the game and give your answers by putting the number of the question in the circle below corresponding to the object in question.

1. My first letter is in hood, but not in wood. My second letter is in cat, but not in cut. My last letter is in tough, but not in dough.
What am I?
2. My first letter is in tax, but not in fax. My second letter is in rug, but not in mug. My last two letters are in beet, but not in but. What am I?
3. My first letter is in glove, but not in clove. My second letter is in sit, but not in sat. My third letter is in feet, but not in beet. My last letter is in tame, but not in same. What am I?
4. My first letter is in cat, but not in mat. My second letter is in dad; but not in did. My third letter is in name, but not in tame. My fourth letter is in deeds, but not in feeds.
My fourth letter is in light, but not in fight. My last letter is in bed, but not in bad. What am I?
5. My first letter is in gave, but not in wave. My second letter is in leak, but not in beak. My third letter is in doll, but not in dull. My fourth letter is in cave, but not in came.
My fifth letter is in model, but not in modal. My last letter is in set, but not in sit. What am I?
6. My first letter is in hot, but not hut. My second letter is in row, but not in low. My third letter is in nut, but not in cut. My fourth letter is in wall, but not in well.
My fifth letter is in mice, but not in vice. My sixth letter is in bell, but not in ball. My seventh letter is in never, but not in fever. My eighth letter is in tent, but not in tend.
My last letter is in sow, but not in bow. What am I?
7. My first letter is in Santa, but not in Fanta. My second letter is in plate, but not in place. My third letter is in both, but not in bath. My fourth letter is in cat, not in mat.
My fifth letter is in kid, not in mid. My sixth letter is in will, not in well. My seventh letter is in new, but not in few. My last letter is in gone, but not in done.
What am I?
8. My first letter is in red, but not in bed. My second letter is in me, but not in my. My third letter is in bit, not bet. My fourth letter is in tone, but not in tome.
My fifth letter is in cod, but not in cot. The following two letters are in feet, but not in fat. My last letter is in raw, but not in law.
What am I?
